root (suomeksi)
- juuri (s: part of a plant / of a tooth / part of a hair under the skin / part of a hair near the skin / primary source / arithmetic: number or expression which when raised to a power gives the specified number or expression / analysis: zero of a function / graph theory: node in a tree that has no parent / linguistic morphology: primary lexical unit of a word / philology: word from which another word or words are derived)
- alku (s)
- UNIX-järjestelmässä korkein käyttäjätaso (s: IT)
- juurtua (v)
- juurruttaa (v: rummage, root out)
- tonkia (v)
- lähde (s: primary source)
- nollakohta (s: analysis: zero of a function)
- kantasana (s: philology: word from which another word or words are derived)
- kanta (s: philology: word from which another word or words are derived)
- pääkäyttäjä (s: computing: user account at the root of the directory structure / person who manages accounts on a UNIX system)
- päävalikko (s: computing: highest directory of a directory structure)
- möyriä (v: rummage, root out)
- köyriä (v: coarse slang: have sexual intercourse)
- kannustaa (v: cheer)
Viimeisimmät haut: root, Stafford knots, unsubstantiation, huutomerkki, motorized scooter, give someone the bag