pitch (suomeksi)
- pihka (s: sticky, gummy substance secreted by trees)
- kaltevuus (s)
- sävelkorkeus (s: the perceived frequency of a sound or note)
- kenttä (s: jalkapallo, maahockey, rugby, kriketti / field on which cricket, soccer, rugby or field hockey is played)
- syöttö (s: baseball / throw, toss or cast from the hand / act of pitching a baseball)
- myyntipuhe (s: effort to sell or promote something)
- heittää (v: to throw)
- syöttää (v: baseball / baseball: to throw the ball toward home plate / to play baseball in the position of pitcher)
- piki (s: dark, extremely viscous material made by distilling tar)
- heitto (s: throw, toss or cast from the hand)
- nurmi (s: field on which cricket, soccer, rugby or field hockey is played)
- pitch (s: effort to sell or promote something)
- jako (s: distance between evenly spaced objects)
- nousu (s: distance between evenly spaced objects / nousu / distance btw. turns of screw thread / measure of the angle of attack of a propeller)
- kallistus (s: angle at which an object sits)
- taso (s: level or degree)
- huippu (s: point or peak, the extreme point or degree of elevation or depression, a limit or bound / huippu / point or peak)
- pohja (s: point or peak, the extreme point or degree of elevation or depression, a limit or bound / huippupohja / depression)
- raja (s: point or peak, the extreme point or degree of elevation or depression, a limit or bound / huippupohjaraja / limit or bound)
- kuilu (s: caving: vertical cave passage)
- mitta (s: person's or animal's height)
- pudotus (s: descent, fall, a thrusting down)
- harja (s: point where a declivity begins, descending slope, the degree or rate of descent / harja / point where declivity begins)
- lasku (s: point where a declivity begins, descending slope, the degree or rate of descent / harja)
- alamäki (s: point where a declivity begins, descending slope, the degree or rate of descent / harjaalamäki / descending slope)
- jyrkkyys (s: point where a declivity begins, descending slope, the degree or rate of descent / harjaalamäkijyrkkyys / rate of descent)
- heittää menemään (v: to throw away; discard)
- kaupata (v: to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell)
- myydä (v: to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell)
- mainostaa (v: to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell)
- pitsata (v: to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell)
- pitchata (v: to promote, advertise, or attempt to sell / pitchata / slang: to give a quick promotional speech)
- virittää (v: to deliver in a certain tone or style)
- säätää (v: to deliver in a certain tone or style)
- pystyttää (v: to assemble or erect (a tent))
- leiriytyä (v: to fix or place a tent or temporary habitation)
- keinuttaa (v: to move so that the front of the craft goes alternatively up and down / keinuttaa /)
- keinua (v: to move so that the front of the craft goes alternatively up and down / keinuttaakeinua /)
- nyökkiä (v: to move so that the front of the craft goes alternatively up and down / keinuttaakeinua)
- lyödä (v: golf: to play a short, high, lofty shot that lands with backspin)
- pomppia (v: cricket: to bounce on the playing surface)
- kinostua (v: of snow, to settle and build up, without melting)
- laskeutua (v: to come to rest from flight)
- valita (v: to fix one's choice)
- kaataa (v: to plunge or fall)
- kaatua (v: to plunge or fall)
- viettää (v: to plunge or fall / viettää / of a slope)
- levittää sepeliä (v: to set, face, or pave with rubble or undressed stones)
- lyödä lukkoon (v: to set or fix, as a price or value)
- uhrata (v: card games: to discard a card for some gain)