harja (englanniksi)
- brush (s: kädessä pidettävä esine, jolla harjataan / implement consisting of multiple bristles or other filaments / piece of conductive material, serving to maintain electrical contact between the stationary and rotating parts of a machine)
- mane (s: hevosenharja / longer hair growth e.g. on back of neck of a horse or around head of a male lion)
- crest (s: tuft, or other excrescence or natural ornament, growing on an animal's head / upper curve of a horse's neck / ridge or top of a wave / )
- chine (s: summit of a hill or mountain ridge)
- arête (s: sharp edge of a mountain ridge)
- broom (s: curling)
- sweeper (s: curling / implement with which players sweep the ice to make a stone travel further)
Viimeisimmät haut: harja, happening along, silicon alkoxides, parafascioles, polishes a turd, fortunateness