business (englanniksi)
- Sana perusmuodossa: bisnes
business (suomeksi)
- ala (s: occupation, work or trade of a person / ammattityöala / trade / commercial, industrial or professional activity)
- työ (s: occupation, work or trade of a person / ammattityö / work)
- yritys (s: commercial enterprise or establishment)
- yhtiö (s)
- firma (s)
- liiketoiminta (s: ei-mon / commercial enterprise or establishment / commercial, industrial or professional activity)
- kauppa (s: commercial, industrial or professional activity / volume or amount of commercial trade)
- bisnes (s: management of commercial enterprises / business class)
- asia (s: ei-mon / particular situation or activity / objective or a matter needing to be dealt with / something involving one personally / slang: something very good / slang: excrement)
- liike (s: commercial enterprise or establishment)
- ammatti (s: occupation, work or trade of a person / ammatti / occupation)
- yritystoiminta (s: commercial, industrial or professional activity)
- liikevaihto (s: volume or amount of commercial trade)
- asiakkuus (s: patronage)
- elinkeinoelämä (s: private commercial interests taken collectively)
- yritykset (s: private commercial interests taken collectively)
- liikkeenjohto (s: management of commercial enterprises)
- juttu (s: particular situation or activity)
- tehtävä (s: objective or a matter needing to be dealt with / tehtävä / task)
- asiat (s: matters that come before a body for deliberation or action)
- lauma (s: collective noun for a group of ferrets)