Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
juttu (englanniksi)
- story (s: tarina / lie)
- case (s: tapaus / legal proceeding)
- deal (s: tapaus)
- talk (s: conversation, especially an abundant one)
- tale (s)
- anecdote (s: short often humorous account of an incident)
- article (s: story in a newspaper)
- thing (s)
- business (s)
- matter (s)
- event (s: occurrence of social or personal importance)
- lawsuit (s)
- affair (s: that which is done or is to be done / )
- dating (s: romantic courtship)
- object (s)
- item (s: vaguely designated material object)
- preference (s)
- bag (s)