item (suomeksi)
- esine (s: distinct physical object / video games: object that can be picked up for later use)
- tavara (s: video games: object that can be picked up for later use)
- osio (s)
- alkio (s: listan, taulukon)
- kohta (s: line of text having a particular meaning / test assessment question / matter for discussion in an agenda)
- kysymys (s: test assessment question)
- tehtävä (s: test assessment question)
- esityslistan kohta (s: matter for discussion in an agenda)
- asiakohta (s: matter for discussion in an agenda)
- pari (s: informal: two people who are having a relationship with each other)
- juttu (s: short article)
- vihje (s: hint; innuendo)