Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
lähde (englanniksi)
- fountain (s: vesilähde)
- spring (s: vesilähde / place where water emerges from the ground)
- well (s: nesteen tai kaasun lähde)
- source (s: josta jokin on peräisin / tiedon alkuperä / often in plural / collection of water on or under the surface of the ground in which a stream originates / often in plural / reporter's informant / often in plural / book, article, interviewee etc. referenced in a written work; an item in the bibliography of a written work / electronics / one of the terminals of a field effect transistor / often in plural)
- origin (s: often in plural / person, place or thing from which something comes or is acquired)
- Sana perusmuodossa: lähteä