bypass (suomeksi)
- ohikulkutie (s: road)
- ohitus (s: circumvention / alternative passage for a bodily fluid / ohitus / passage)
- kiertäminen (s: circumvention)
- kiertää (v: to ignore the usual channels or procedures)
- ohittaa (v: to avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass / to ignore the usual channels or procedures)
- ohitustie (s: road)
- ohikulku (s: circumvention)
- ohitusputki (s: section of pipe)
- ohituskytkentä (s: electrical shunt)
- ohitusleikkaus (s: alternative passage for a bodily fluid / ohitusohitusleikkaus / operation)
- sivuuttaa (v: to avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass / to ignore the usual channels or procedures)
- väistää (v: to avoid an obstacle etc, by constructing or using a bypass)