balance (suomeksi)
- tasapaino (s: ei-mon / equilibrium / mental equilibrium / overall result of conflicting forces / apparent harmony in art)
- liipotin (s: device that regulates the speed of a watch)
- vaaka (s: scales)
- tase (s: taloustiede / yhteys / accounting: list of credits and debits)
- saldo (s: taloustiede / yhteys / difference between credit and debit of an account)
- tasapainottaa (v: taloustiede / to bring to equipoise / to make concepts agree / accounting: to make credits and debits correspond)
- tasapainotella (v: taloustiede / to hold precariously)
- vastapaino (s: something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium)
- varsivaaka (s: scales)
- tasapuolisuus (s: awareness of both viewpoints)
- loput (s: remainder)
- loppuosa (s: remainder)
- loppu (s: remainder)
- pitää tasapainossa (v: to hold precariously)
- ottaa sisään (v: nautical: to contract a sail)
- olla tasapainossa (v: be in equilibrium / to have matching credits and debits)