whiz (suomeksi)
- suhista (v: to make a whirring or hissing sound)
- sihistä (v: to make a whirring or hissing sound)
- sähistä (v: to make a whirring or hissing sound)
- suhahtaa (v: to rush or move swiftly with such sound)
- sujauttaa (v: to throw or spin rapidly)
- suhuttaa (v: slang: wiz to urinate)
- suhauttaa (v: slang: wiz to urinate)
- suhahdus (s: whirring or hissing sound)
- sihinä (s: whirring or hissing sound)
- sihahdus (s: whirring or hissing sound)
- sähinä (s: whirring or hissing sound)
- sähähdys (s: whirring or hissing sound)
- taituri (s: someone remarkably skilled at something)
- taitaja (s: someone remarkably skilled at something)
- taitoniekka (s: someone remarkably skilled at something)