Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
varsi (englanniksi)
- shaft (s: pitkulainen kappale)
- stem (s: pitkulainen kappale / kasvissa)
- handle (s: kädensija)
- stalk (s: kasvissa)
- leg (s: jalkineen tai sukan)
- stalk of a plant (s)
- handle of many tools. In order to be called 'varsi' (s)
- handle needs to be longish in shape. An axe and a hammer have 'varsi' (s)
- but a knife has kahva (s)
- arm in the sense of any structure that resembles a humarm (s)
- part of a boot or a sock which covers leg or part of it (s)
- stem of tobacco pipe (s)
- or a musical note (s)
- Usually compounded with a defining beginning (s: technology)
- rod (s)
- As the last part of a compound word (s)
- refers to some parts of a human body (s: see related terms below)
- human body when discussed from a structural point of view (s: rare)
- figure (s)
- refers to an area considered to be close to a waterway or a traffic route (s)
- side (s)
- In cases referring to location (s)
- used like a postposition to refer to passing of time or a journey (s)
- along (s)
- during or in the course of (s)
- see: varressa (s)
- varresta (s)
- varteen (s)
- varrella (s)
- varrelta (s)
- varrelle (s)
- As the first part of a compound word (s)
- indicates that the object is equipped with a stalk (s)
- arm or similar (s)