Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
shaft (suomeksi)
- varsi (s: long narrow body of spear or arrow / any long, thin object / lacrosse: long narrow body of the stick / the shaft of the penis)
- kuilu (s: long passage sunk into the earth / vertical passage housing a lift)
- valokeila (s: beam or ray of light)
- aisa (s: any long, thin object)
- akseli (s: any long, thin object)
- kanki (s: any long, thin object / the shaft of the penis)
- ruoto (s: main axis of a feather)
- kaivoskuilu (s: long passage sunk into the earth)
- hissikuilu (s: vertical passage housing a lift)
- kanava (s: ventilation or heating conduit)
- mopottaa (v: slang: to engage in a malicious act)
- varttaa (v: to equip with a shaft)
- kepittää (v: slang: to have sexual intercourse)