taint (suomeksi)
- pilaantuminen (s)
- häpeätahra (s: mark of disgrace, especially on one's character)
- häpeäpilkku (s)
- väliliha (s: slangi / yhteys / The perineum)
- pilata (v: slangi / To contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally / To spoil food by contamination)
- saastuttaa (v: slangi / esim. ruoka / To contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally)
- pilaantuma (s: contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food)
- pilaantunut kohta (s: contamination, decay or putrefaction, especially in food)
- tahra (s: mark of disgrace, especially on one's character)
- turmella (v: To contaminate or corrupt something with an external agent, either physically or morally)
- Sana perusmuodossa: 'taint