slur (suomeksi)
- kaari (s: nuoteissa)
- herja (s: insult or slight)
- loukkaus (s: insult or slight)
- legato-jakso (s: set of notes)
- sidekaari (s: symbol indicating a legato passage)
- legato-kaari (s: symbol indicating a legato passage)
- herjata (v: to insult or slight)
- loukata (v: to insult or slight)
- sammaltaa (v: to articulate poorly)
- sopertaa (v: to articulate poorly)
- sitoa (v: to play legato)
- tahrata (v: to soil, sully, to contaminate, disgrace)
- loata (v: to soil, sully, to contaminate, disgrace)
- peittää (v: to cover over, disguise, conceal; to pass over with little notice)
- piilottaa (v: to cover over, disguise, conceal; to pass over with little notice)
- pitää salassa (v: to cover over, disguise, conceal; to pass over with little notice)
- sujauttaa (v: to cover over, disguise, conceal; to pass over with little notice / sujauttaa / to pass over with little notice)
- huijata (v: to cheat; to trick)
- huiputtaa (v: to cheat; to trick)