singular (suomeksi)
- yksi (a)
- ainut (a)
- ainutlaatuinen (a: being the only one of a kind)
- yksiköllinen (a: kielitiede / yhteys / grammar: referring to only one thing)
- yksittäinen (a: being only one of larger population)
- uniikki (a: being the only one of a kind)
- erinomainen (a: distinguished by superiority)
- tavaton (a: distinguished by superiority)
- harvinainen (a: being out of the ordinary)
- merkillinen (a: being out of the ordinary)
- omituinen (a: being out of the ordinary)
- kummallinen (a: being out of the ordinary)
- singulaarinen (a: linear algebra: of matrix: having no inverse)
- yksikkö (s: grammar: form of a word that refers to only one thing)
Viimeisimmät haut: singular, combiners, vangitsitte, asfaltti-ihottuma, globe of the world, Polesians