current (suomeksi)
- nykyinen (a: existing or occurring at the moment / generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
- tämänhetkinen (a: existing or occurring at the moment)
- käypä (a: liiketalous / yhteys / generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
- kurantti (a: liiketalous / yhteys)
- virta (s: part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction / time rate of flow of electric charge)
- virtaus (s: part of a fluid that moves continuously in a certain direction)
- sähkövirta (s: time rate of flow of electric charge)
- suuntaus (s: tendency or a course of events)
- ajankohtainen (a: existing or occurring at the moment)
- juokseva (a: generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
- voimassa oleva (a: generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)
- vallitseva (a: generally accepted, used, practiced, or prevalent at the moment)