report (suomeksi)
- raportti (s: information describing events)
- selonteko (s)
- selostus (s: information describing events)
- mietintö (s)
- lausunto (s)
- huhu (s)
- maine (s)
- nimi (s)
- todistus (s: koulu)
- arviointi (s)
- pamaus (s: (ballistics) the sharp, loud sound from a gun or explosion)
- paukahdus (s)
- selvittää (v: to relate details of)
- selostaa (v: to relate details of)
- raportoida (v: to relate details of / raportoida / formal / to be accountable / to write news reports)
- kertoa (v: to relate details of / raportoidakertoa / informal / to repeat, retell, pass on)
- ilmoittaa (v: to notify formally)
- kirjoittaa (v: to write news reports)
- ilmoittautua (v: military: to appear or present oneself)
- selvitys (s: information describing events)