relieve (suomeksi)
- vapauttaa (v: tehtävästä tai velvollisuudesta / to ease from mental distress / to raise out of danger or from a specified difficulty etc. / law: to give legal relief / to release from or of a difficulty, unwanted task, responsibility etc. / military: to free someone from their post)
- helpottaa (v: kipua, oloa / to ease from mental distress / to give relief from physical pain / to alleviate pain, distress, mental discomfort etc.)
- purkaa (v)
- vähentää (v: jännitystä)
- lievittää (v: to give relief from physical pain / to alleviate pain, distress, mental discomfort etc.)
- tukea (v: to provide comfort or assistance to someone in need, especially in poverty)
- avustaa (v: to provide comfort or assistance to someone in need, especially in poverty)
- nostaa pystyyn (v: to lift up, raise again)
- murtaa saarto (v: to bring military help to a besieged town; to lift the seige on)
- korostaa (v: to make stand out; to make prominent)
- keventää (v: to defecate or urinate)