positive (suomeksi)
- myönteinen (a: characterised by constructiveness / favorable, desirable / optimistic)
- positiivinen (a: lääketiede, testituloksista puhuttaessa / legal: formally laid down / mathematics: greater than zero / physics: having more protons than electrons / characterised by features which support a hypothesis / photography: of a visual image true to the original / favorable, desirable / optimistic / slang: HIV positive / New Age jargon: good, desirable, healthful, pleasant, enjoyable)
- suotuisa (a)
- ehdottoman varma (a)
- varma (a: stated definitively and without qualification / fully assured in opinion, confident)
- vakuuttava (a: stated definitively and without qualification)
- rakentava (a: characterised by constructiveness)
- itsevarma (a: overconfident, dogmatic)
- todellinen (a: philosophy: actual, real, concrete / characterised by the existence rather than absence of qualities or features / downright, entire, outright)
- perusasteinen (a: grammar: describing the primary sense)
- perusmuotoinen (a: grammar: describing the primary sense)
- absoluuttinen (a: derived from an object by itself; absolute)
- varsinainen (a: downright, entire, outright)
- kokonainen (a: downright, entire, outright)
- optimistinen (a: optimistic)
- tosiasia (s: thing capable of being affirmed)
- etu (s: favourable point or characteristic)
- hyvä puoli (s: favourable point or characteristic)
- myönteinen asia (s: favourable point or characteristic)
- positiivinen suure (s: thing having a positive value)
- positiivinen luku (s: thing having a positive value)
- positiivi (s: the positive degree of adjectives and adverbs / photography: a positive image)
- perusaste (s: the positive degree of adjectives and adverbs)
Viimeisimmät haut: positive, Lahoris, sheepherders, Crowned Slaty Flycatcher, heliotherapy, Mira variable