Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
lock (suomeksi)
- lukko (s: something used for fastening / firing mechanism of a gun)
- sulku (s: segment of a canal)
- lukittua (v: to become fastened in place / to be capable of becoming fastened in place / lukita)
- lukkiutua (v: to become fastened in place / to be capable of becoming fastened in place / lukita)
- lukita (v: to fasten with a lock / to be capable of becoming fastened in place / lukita / in passive / break dancing: to freeze one's body or a part thereof in place)
- varustaa suluilla (v: to furnish with locks)
- kulkea sulussa (v: to raise or lower in a lock)
- kiehkura (s: length of hair)