level (suomeksi)
- tasainen (a: being unvaried)
- taso (s: distance relative to a given reference elevation / degree or amount / computer science: distance from the root node of a tree structure / gaming: discrete segment of a game / gaming: numeric value for a character's experience and power / floor of a building)
- vaakasuora (a: same height at all places)
- samassa linjassa (a: at the same height as some reference)
- samalla tasolla (a: at the same height as some reference)
- linjassa (a: at the same height as some reference)
- vakaa (a: being unvaried)
- kylmä (a: being sensible)
- vesivaaka (s: tool)
- vatupassi (s: tool)
- tasa (s: distance relative to a given reference elevation)
- tasanko (s: area of almost perfectly flat land / tasanko / large)
- tasanne (s: area of almost perfectly flat land / tasankotasanne / small)
- tasapainottaa (v: to adjust so as to make level)
- hävittää maan tasalle (v: to destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze)
- edetä seuraavalle tasolle (v: to progress to the next level)
- päästä seuraavalle tasolle (v: to progress to the next level)
- tähdätä (v: to aim or direct)
- kohdistaa (v: to aim or direct)
- tasoittaa (v: sports: to make the score of a game equal / figurative: to bring to a common level or plane)
- sovittaa jonkun tason mukaiseksi (v: to adjust or adapt to a certain level)