hack (suomeksi)
- kyvyttömyys (s: halventava / yhteys)
- keskinkertaisuus (s: halventava / yhteys)
- hakkerointi (s: halventava)
- vuokrahevonen (s: vanhahtava / yhteys)
- ajuri (s: vanhahtava / yhteys)
- huono tai loppuun ajettu hevonen (s: vanhahtava / yhteys)
- hakata alas (v: vanhahtava)
- hakata tiensä läpi (v: vanhahtava)
- köhiä (v: vanhahtava / to cough noisily)
- yskiä äänekkäästi (v: vanhahtava)
- hakkeroida (v: vanhahtava / to gain illegal access to a computer network)
- hakata (v: to chop or cut down in a rough manner)
- pärjätä (v: to withstand or put up with a difficult situation)
- murtautua (v: to gain unauthorised access to a computer or online account)
- pätsätä (v: to make a quick code change to patch a computer program / slang)
- parantaa (v: to apply a trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method)
- työskennellä jonkin parissa (v: to work with on an intimately technical level)
- huitoa jaloille (v: ice hockey: to strike an opponent's leg with one's hockey stick)
- sohia (v: ice hockey: to make a flailing attempt to hit the puck)
- heilauttaa mailaa (v: baseball: to swing at a pitched ball)
- potkia pohkeille (v: football: to kick on the shins)
- lennättää (v: to strike in a frantic movement)
- kirves (s: tool for chopping)
- isku (s: hacking blow)
- iskujälki (s: gouge or notch made by such a blow)
- köhä (s: dry cough)
- köhäys (s: short, broken cough / köhäys / one)
- köhinä (s: short, broken cough / köhäysköhinä / repetitive)
- yritys (s: figuratively: try, attempt)
- hakki (s: curling: foothold device)
- hakku (s: mattock or miner's pick)
- hakkerointiyritys (s: illegal attempt to gain access to a computer network)
- tietomurtoyritys (s: illegal attempt to gain access to a computer network)
- hakkeroitu softa (s: video game or computer software that has been altered from its original state)
- pätsi (s: computing: expedient, temporary solution)
- niksi (s: trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method)
- heilautus (s: baseball: swing of the bat)
- potku pohkeeseen (s: football: kick on the shins)
- taksikuski (s: taxicab driver)
- koni (s: ordinary horse, especially an old, tired one)
- kaakki (s: ordinary horse, especially an old, tired one)
- footbag (s: small ball for hackeysack)
- pelata footbagia (v: to play hackeysack)