float (suomeksi)
- kelluke (s: buoyant device / koho)
- pörssikaupankäynnin kohteena olevat osakkeet (s: liiketalous / yhteys)
- liukuluku (s: tietotekniikka / yhteys / programming: short form of floating-point number)
- kellua (v: to be supported by a liquid / to be capable of floating / to allow a price to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule)
- pysyä pinnalla (v: to be capable of floating)
- leijua (v: to drift gently through the air / to move in a fluid manner)
- lipua (v: to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating / to move in a fluid manner)
- ehdottaa (v: to propose for consideration)
- heittää (v: to propose for consideration)
- koho (s: buoyant device / koho / as part of fishing gear)
- höyläraspi (s: tool similar to a rasp)
- raspi (s: tool similar to a rasp)
- hierrin (s: sort of trowel)
- paraatiauto (s: trailer or vehicle decorated for a parade)
- yleinen osakeanti (s: finance: offering of shares to the public)
- käteiskassa (s: insurance: premiums taken in but not yet paid out)
- pohjakassa (s: small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business)