erä (englanniksi)
- round (s: osuus jostain sovitusta määrästä / urheilu / nyrkkeily)
- payment (s: osuus jostain sovitusta määrästä / maksun)
- period (s: urheilu / jääkiekko)
- set (s: urheilu / tennis)
- heat (s: urheilu / yleisurheilu)
- game (s: metsästys)
- batch (s: quantity of anything produced at one operation)
- lot (s: separate portion; a number of things taken collectively)
- instalment (s)
- short for maksuerä (s: maksuerä / partial payment)
- item (s: accounting)
- entry (s: accounting)
- short for tilierä (s: accounting)
- subdivision of many sports contests. 'Erä' can be time-limited part of match between two parties or (s: accounting)
- where the number of contestants exceeds the capacity of the sports facillity (s: accounting)
- qualifying competition between subset of contestants. The translation into English varies by sport. Examples: (s: accounting)
- catch (s)
- wilderness (s: archaic)
- especially one that is good hunting ground (s: archaic)
Viimeisimmät haut: erä, glottalic airstream, undemonstratively, Swaynes, purging place, self-evidence