Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
catch (suomeksi)
- kiinniotto (s)
- sieppaus (s)
- koppi (s: the act of catching a ball)
- kalansaalis (s)
- saalis (s: a find, in particular a boyfriend/girlfriend / that which is captured or caught)
- löytö (s: kuva / a find, in particular a boyfriend/girlfriend)
- pointti (s: kuva)
- idea (s)
- napata (v: to capture or snare / to intercept an object in the air etc.)
- ottaa kiinni (v: to intercept an object in the air etc.)
- ehtiä (v: to reach in time to leave)
- huomata (v)
- ymmärtää (v: to perceive and understand)
- saada tartunta (v: sairaudesta)
- haka (s: a clasp which stops something from opening)
- salpa (s: a clasp which stops something from opening)
- solki (s: a clasp which stops something from opening)
- koukku (s: a hidden difficulty, especially in a deal or negotiation)
- huomio (s: the act of noticing, understanding or hearing)
- kopittelu (s: the game of catching a ball)
- saada kiinni (v: to capture or snare)
- pyydystää (v: to intercept an object in the air etc.)
- siepata (v: to intercept an object in the air etc. / to handle a computer error, especially an exception)
- saada (v: to contract a disease or illness)
- käsittää (v: to perceive and understand)
- tarttua (v: to seize an opportunity / to engage, stick, or grasp)