Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
demand (suomeksi)
- vaatimus (s: claim for something / requirement / urgent request / order)
- tarve (s: need)
- kysyntä (s: taloustiede / yhteys / desire to purchase goods and services / economics: amount a consumer is willing to buy at a particular price)
- energiantarve (s: taloustiede)
- menekki (s: desire to purchase goods and services)
- huipputeho (s: electricity supply: peak demand)
- kulutushuippu (s: electricity supply: peak demand)
- vaatia (v: to request forcefully / to claim a right to something / to ask forcefully for information / to require of someone)
- tivata (v: to request forcefully)
- tiukata (v: to request forcefully)
- haastaa (v: law: to issue a summons to court)