dejecta (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (lb, en, medicine, zoology) any liquid or solid waste matter that is emanated, shed or discharged from the body.Gordh and Headrick (2011) ''A Dictionary of Entomology'' [http://books.google.com/books?id=9IcmCeAjp6cC&pg=PA421 p.421][http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dejecta ''dejecta''] at ''thefreedictionary'' Dejecta include urine, faeces, sputum, pus, mucus, skin sloughing, lochia; their discharge can be nasal, aural, by expectoration, urethral, vaginal and so on.Dhaar (2008) ''Foundations of Community Medicine'', 2/e
- excrements