contract (suomeksi)
- sopimus (s: yl. kaupallinen / agreement that is legally binding)
- tehdä sopimus (v: transitive: enter into a contract with)
- supistaa (v)
- supistua (v: intransitive: draw together; shorten; lessen)
- pienentyä (v)
- kutistua (v)
- sairastua (v: gain or acquire (an illness))
- saada tauti (v)
- toimeksianto (s: order)
- sitoumus (s: bridge: declarer's undertaking)
- vetäytyä (v: intransitive: draw together; shorten; lessen)
Viimeisimmät haut: contract, come from the right place, hyperdopaminergism, electrophobicity, manikit, Debussian