contraction (suomeksi)
- ahtauma (s)
- lyhennys (s)
- supistuminen (s: reversible reduction in size / linguistics: process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme are lost or reduced)
- supistus (s: shortening of a muscle when it is used / painful shortening of the uterine muscles)
- kutistuminen (s)
- väheneminen (s)
- supistuma (s: kielitiede / yhteys)
- taantuma (s: economics: period of economic decline or negative growth)
- lihassupistus (s: shortening of a muscle when it is used)
- synnytyssupistus (s: painful shortening of the uterine muscles)
- kontraktio (s: linguistics: process whereby one or more sounds of a free morpheme are lost or reduced / word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe / medicine: stage of wound healing)
- supistumamuoto (s: word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe)
- tarttuminen (s: medicine: contracting a disease)
- tartunta (s: medicine: contracting a disease)
- lähentyminen (s: medicine: stage of wound healing)
Viimeisimmät haut: contraction, White-throated Crake, flipped learning, Prince Edward County, Selingers, left-luggage office