Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
bend (suomeksi)
- taivutus (s)
- koukistus (s)
- mutka joessa (s)
- tiessä (s)
- putkessa (s)
- pöydänjalassa ... (s)
- solmu (s: merenkulku)
- köyte (s)
- irtolaidat (s)
- palkki (s: heraldiikka / heraldry: one of the ordinaries)
- taivuttaa (v: to cause to shape into a curve / to force to submit / to change the pitch / to swing the body when rowing)
- taipua (v: to become curved / to be inclined; to direct itself / to adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary)
- kääntää (v: to cause to change direction)
- kääntyä (v: to change direction)
- suuntautua (v: to be inclined; to direct itself / to apply oneself to a task or purpose)
- kumartua (v: to stoop / to bow in prayer, or in token of submission)
- antaa periksi (v: to submit)
- suunnata (v: to apply to a task or purpose)
- myöntyä (v: to adapt or interpret to for a purpose or beneficiary)
- sitoa (v: to tie a line)
- kiinnittää (v: to tie a line)
- mutka (s: curve)
- kytky (s: knot)
- sukeltajantauti (s: decompression sickness)
- tarkoitus (s: turn; purpose; inclination; ends)
- anturanahka (s: best quality of sole leather)
- parras (s: nautical: thickest and strongest planks in a ship's sides)
- kaaret (s: nautical: frames or ribs that form the ship's body)