Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
backshot (suomeksi)
- Määritelmät:
- (lb, en, of a water wheel) Having the water introduced just behind the summit, combining the advantages of breastshot and overshot systems, since the full amount of the potential energy released by the falling water is harnessed as the water descends the back of the wheel.
- (en-past of, backshoot)
- (lb, en, chiefly, sport) A shot that sends something backwards, such as a shot that sends the ball behind the player making it.
- A measurement of the azimuth when sighting to an earlier point along a path that is being measured with a compass.
- A shot in the back.
- (lb, en, photography, and, cinematography) A shot taken from behind the subject.
- (label, en, Caribbean, slang) A sexual position in which the man penetrates his partner from behind.