Spring (suomeksi)
- kevät (s: +luokka / first season / meteorology: months of March to May in the northern hemisphere or September to November in the southern / astronomy: period from vernal equinox to summer solstice)
- lähde (s: kuva / water source / source of an action or a supply)
- vesilähde (s)
- alkulähde (s)
- jousi (s: tekniikka / yhteys / device made of flexible material)
- vieteri (s: tekniikka / yhteys / device made of flexible material)
- loikata (v: to jump or leap)
- hypätä (v: to jump or leap)
- ponnahtaa (v: to jump or leap)
- vapauttaa (v: to produce or disclose unexpectedly / to release or set free)
- loikka (s: leap, bound, jump)
- joustavuus (s: property of a body of springing to its original form)
- jousto (s: property of a body of springing to its original form)
- jousivoima (s: elastic power or force)
- joustin (s: device made of flexible material)
- voima (s: any active power)
- sukujuuret (s: that which springs, or is originated, from a source / p / lineage)
- nuorukainen (s: that which springs, or is originated, from a source / pnuorukainen / youth)
- taimi (s: that which springs, or is originated, from a source / pnuorukainentaimi / shoot of a plant)
- koitto (s: time of growth and progress; early portion; first stage)
- alku (s: time of growth and progress; early portion; first stage)
- springi (s: nautical: rope to prevent surging / nautical: line led from a vessel's quarter to her cable)
- halkeama (s: nautical: crack or fissure in a mast or yard)
Viimeisimmät haut: Spring, phytotoxicities, characterisable, disagreeablenesses, stupefactive, model-based design