Split (suomeksi)
- spagaatti (s)
- jakaa (v: share out)
- halkaista (v: divide along a more or less straight line)
- halkeama (s: crack, longitudinal fissure)
- repeämä (s: crack, longitudinal fissure / breach, division)
- säle (s: split-off piece)
- sirpale (s: split-off piece)
- pirstale (s: split-off piece)
- haljas (s: section of skin)
- reikä (s: bowling: pattern with missing intermediate pins)
- split (s: dessert or confection)
- puolipullo (s: bottle of 0.375 liters)
- puolikas (s: bottle of 0.375 liters)
- pikkupullo (s: bottle of 0.375 liters)
- väliaika (s: athletics: intermediate time)
- jako (s: gambling: division of a stake)
- splitti (s: gambling: division of a stake)
- haljeta (v: divide along a more or less straight line)
- lohkaista (v: divide along a more or less straight line)