Curl (suomeksi)
- roottori (s: matematiikka / yhteys / vector field denoting rotationality of a given vector field / mathematics: vector operator)
- haiven (s: matematiikka)
- kihara (s: matematiikka / lock of curling hair / curved stroke or shape)
- kutri (s: matematiikka)
- pyörre (s: matematiikka)
- kiertää (v: matematiikka / to make into a curl or spiral)
- kierre (s: spin making the trajectory curve / curling: movement)
- pumppaus (s: weightlifting: type of exercise)
- polte (s: plant disease)
- loimukuvio (s: music: light and dark figure seen in wood)
- pyöräyttää (v: to cause to move in a curve)
- kiepauttaa (v: to cause to move in a curve)
- kihartaa (v: to make into a curl or spiral / to twist or form into ringlets)
- taivuttaa (v: to make into a curl or spiral / to shape the brim of a hat into a curve)
- rullata (v: to make into a curl or spiral)
- kihartua (v: to assume the shape of a curl or spiral)
- rullautua (v: to assume the shape of a curl or spiral)
- mennä rullalle (v: to assume the shape of a curl or spiral)
- kiemurrella (v: to move in curves)
- mutkitella (v: to move in curves)
- luikertaa (v: to move in curves)
- luikerrella (v: to move in curves)
- pelata curlingia (v: to take part in the sport of curling)
- kurlata (v: to take part in the sport of curling)
- pumpata (v: weightlifting: to exercise by bending on the exertion)
- koristella (v: to deck with, or as if with, curls)
- aallottaa (v: to raise in waves or undulations)