Constitution (suomeksi)
- perustaminen (s: act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
- muodostaminen (s)
- olemus (s)
- rakenne (s: oikeustiede / act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
- perustuslaki (s: oikeustiede / yhteys / legal document describing such a formal system)
- valtiosääntö (s: oikeustiede / yhteys / formal or informal system of primary principles and laws regulating a government or other institutions)
- ihmisen olemus (s: oikeustiede)
- terveys (s: oikeustiede)
- mielentila (s: oikeustiede)
- kokoaminen (s: act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
- perustus (s: act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
- koostumus (s: act or process of setting something up, or establishing something; composition, structure, makeup)
- yleiskunto (s: general health of a person)
Viimeisimmät haut: Constitution, kill-joys, Bengal tiger, botmaster, macrogamete, integumentary system