Clear (suomeksi)
- kirkas (a: transparent in colour / bright, not obscured / without clouds / without a thickening ingredient)
- selkeä (a: without clouds / free of ambiguity or doubt / meteorology: less than 1/8 obscured by clouds)
- selvä (a: free of ambiguity or doubt)
- puhdas (a: free of guilt or suspicion)
- läpinäkyvä (a: transparent in colour)
- vapaa (a: free of obstacles)
- esteetön (a: free of obstacles)
- pilvetön (a: without clouds)
- kuulas (a: without clouds)
- yksikäsitteinen (a: free of ambiguity or doubt)
- syytön (a: free of guilt or suspicion)
- viaton (a: free of guilt or suspicion)
- -ton (a: possessing little or no perceptible stimuli)
- clear-tila (a: scientology: free from the influence of engrams / clear-tila / no adjective, cases of this noun used to produce adjectival expressions)
- kirkkaasti (d: all the way)
- selvästi (d: all the way)
- poissa (d: not near or touching something)
- irti (d: not near or touching something)
- raivata (v: to remove obstructions or impediments)
- selvittää (v: to remove obstructions or impediments / to go through as payment / sports: to defend by moving the ball away from the defending goal)
- selventää (v: to eliminate ambiguity or doubt; to clarify)
- todeta syyttömäksi (v: to remove from suspicion)
- väistää (v: to pass without interference; to miss)
- mennä ohi (v: to pass without interference; to miss)
- kirkastua (v: to become clear)
- selvitä (v: to become clear)
- selventyä (v: to become clear)
- kliirata (v: to go through as payment / kliirata / banking jargon)
- ansaita puhtaana (v: to earn a profit)
- saada lupa (v: to obtain permission to use a sample of copyrighted audio in another track)
- siivota (v: sports: to defend by moving the ball away from the defending goal)
- hakata (v: to fell all trees of a forest)
Viimeisimmät haut: Clear, foreknowledge, Taliabu Masked Owl, deindustrialise, äidinisä, grandfather clocks