puhdas (englanniksi)
- clean (jossa ei ole likaa)
- pure (jossa ei ole epäpuhtauksia / aito, pelkkä / teoreettinen ilman sovelluksia)
- real (aito, pelkkä)
- sheer (aito, pelkkä / being only what it seems to be)
- pure in heart (puhdasmielinen)
- perfect (intervallista)
- neat (a)
- tidy (a: not dirty)
- unpolluted (a: not polluted)
- clear (a)
- innocent (a: free of guilt)
- undiluted (a)
- absolute (a)
- sweet (a: unadulterated; free from extraneous elements)
- net (a: with all deductions or allowances made)
- naked (a: without decoration, put bluntly)
- Sana perusmuodossa: das