Brake (suomeksi)
- jarru (s: tekniikka / yhteys / device used to slow or stop a vehicle / something that slows or stops an action)
- jarruttaa (v: tekniikka / to operate brakes / to be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking)
- taivutin (s: type of machine for bending sheet metal)
- levyntaivutin (s: type of machine for bending sheet metal)
- murskata (v: to bruise and crush)
- loukuttaa (v: to bruise and crush / loukuttaa / flax)
- vaivata (v: to bruise and crush / loukuttaavaivata / to knead)
- äestää (v: to pulverize with a harrow)
- hidaste (s: something that slows or stops an action)
- hidastua (v: to be stopped or slowed (as if) by braking)