zone (suomeksi)
- vyöhyke (s: area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc)
- jakaa alueisiin (v)
- kaavoittaa (v: to define property use classification)
- alue (s: area distinguished on the basis of a particular characteristic etc)
- huippukunto (s: high performance phase or period)
- vyö (s: religion: belt worn by priests in the Greek Orthodox church)
- jakaa (alue (v: to divide or assign areas)
- rajata pois (v: to divide or assign areas / rajata pois / to zone off)
- uinahtaa (v: to temporarily enter a daydream state)
- pilkkiä (v: to temporarily enter a daydream state)
- sammahtaa (v: to temporarily enter a daydream state)