winding (suomeksi)
- mutkainen (a)
- kiemurainen (a)
- kiemurtelu (s)
- käämi (s: something wound around something else / length of wire wound around the core of an electrical transformer)
- kela (s: something wound around something else)
- käämintä (s: the manner in which something is wound)
- kelaus (s: the manner in which something is wound)
- kierros (s: one complete turn of something wound)
- käämitys (s: length of wire wound around the core of an electrical transformer)
- kiemurteleva (a: twisting, turning or sinuous)
- mutkikas (a: twisting, turning or sinuous)
- mutkitteleva (a: twisting, turning or sinuous)
- Sana perusmuodossa: wind
Viimeisimmät haut: winding, harvajalkainen, nationality, linolenates, user experiences, vulval vestibule