waver (suomeksi)
- aikailla (v)
- huojua (v: to sway back and forth)
- liehua (v: to sway back and forth)
- lepattaa (v: to flicker, glimmer, quiver)
- heilua (v: to fluctuate or vary)
- täristä (v: to shake or tremble)
- väristä (v: to shake or tremble)
- horjua (v: to falter; become unsteady; begin to fail or give way / to be indecisive between choices; to feel or show doubt or indecision; to vacillate)
- epäröidä (v: to be indecisive between choices; to feel or show doubt or indecision; to vacillate)
- heilunta (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- huojunta (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- värinä (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- epäröinti (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- horjunta (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- lepatus (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- liehunta (s: act of wavering, vacillating)
- viittoilija (s: someone who waves)
- vilkuttaja (s: someone who waves)
- kähertäjä (s: someone who specializes in waving)
- käherrin (s: tool that accomplishes hair waving)