wanton (suomeksi)
- sattumanvarainen (a)
- mielivaltainen (a)
- umpimähkäinen (a)
- kevytkenkäinen (a)
- huikenteleva (a)
- huikentelevainen (a: undisciplined (obsolete) / extravagant (of speech or thought) (obsolete))
- kuriton (a: undisciplined (obsolete))
- irstas (a: lewd, immoral; sexually open/free)
- rietas (a: lewd, immoral; sexually open/free)
- siveetön (a: lewd, immoral; sexually open/free)
- riehakas (a: playful, carefree)
- leikkisä (a: playful, carefree)
- vastuuton (a: capricious, reckless of morals or justice)
- holtiton (a: capricious, reckless of morals or justice)
- hätäinen (a: capricious, reckless of morals or justice)
- lellikki (s: pampered or coddled person)
- pelle (s: overly playful person)
- tuhlata (v: to waste or squander)
- haaskata (v: to waste or squander)