voice (suomeksi)
- ääni (s: sound uttered by the mouth / tone or sound emitted by anything / the faculty or power of utterance / language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion / opinion or choice expressed; judgment; a vote / one who speaks; speaker / music: independent vocal or instrumental part)
- ihmisääni (s)
- pääluokka (s: kielitiede / yhteys / grammar: particular mode of inflecting or conjugating verbs)
- ilmaista (v: kielitiede / to give utterance or expression to)
- lausua (v: kielitiede)
- sointi (s: sound made through vibration of the vocal cords)
- sana (s: language; words; speech; expression; signification of feeling or opinion)
- käsky (s: command, precept)
- puhuja (s: one who speaks; speaker)
- puhemies (s: one who speaks; speaker)
- äänitorvi (s: one who speaks; speaker)
- kuuluttaa (v: to give utterance or expression to)
- sanoa (v: to give utterance or expression to)
- puhua (v: to utter with a sonant or vocal tone)
- puhua ääneen (v: to utter with a sonant or vocal tone)
- virittää (v: to regulate the tone of)
- äänestää (v: to vote)
- julistaa (v: to clamor)
- ääninäytellä (v: TV, film: to act as a voice actor)
- esittää ääntä (v: TV, film: to act as a voice actor)