valtiosihteeri (englanniksi)
- In Finnish ministries (s)
- highest official below a minister (s)
- appointed for the term of the minister (s)
- also called määräaikainen 'valtiosihteeri' or ministerin 'valtiosihteeri' to separate from the permanent secretaries of state (s)
- In Finnish ulkoministeriö and valtiovarainministeriö the highest-ranking permanently employed official of the ministry. In other ministries similar post is called kansliapäällikkö (s)
- Secretary of State in the bureaucracy of another government (s)
- with the excpetion of the United States (s)
- Secretary of State of which is normally called ulkoministeri in Finnish (s)
Viimeisimmät haut: valtiosihteeri, siteerata, high-class, tiedustelija, koronapurkaus, pick up stompies