Käännettävä sana (suomeksi tai englanniksi):
trim (suomeksi)
- hoikka (a)
- trimmi (s: arrangement of sails relative to the wind)
- trimmaus (s: a moderate haircut)
- trimmata (v: to reduce slightly / to modify the angle of a ship relative to the water / to adjust sails)
- leikata (v: to reduce slightly)
- säätää (v: to adjust sails)
- koristella (v: to decorate)
- tasapainottaa (v: to modify the angle of a ship relative to the water)
- tasoitus (s: a moderate haircut)
- varustelutaso (s: the manner in which something is equipped)
- viimeistely (s: the manner in which something is equipped)
- tasapaino (s: the manner in which a vessel floats)