survey (suomeksi)
- katselmus (s: an examination)
- tarkastus (s: an examination)
- valvonta (s)
- kartoitus (s: operation of finding the contour, dimensions or position as any part of the Earth's surface)
- maanmittaus (s: operation of finding the contour, dimensions or position as any part of the Earth's surface)
- mielipidekysely (s)
- gallup (s)
- tarkkailla (v: to view as from a high place)
- valvoa (v)
- kartoittaa (v)
- yleiskatsaus (s: act of surveying)
- yleissilmäys (s: act of surveying)
- katsaus (s: an examination)
- tarkastella (v: to inspect; to examine)
- tarkastaa (v: to determine the status or value of)
- katsastaa (v: to determine the status or value of)
- määrittää (v: to determine the form or borders of)