stimulus (suomeksi)
- ärsyke (s: fysiologia / yhteys / anything that may have an impact or influence on a system / in physiology: something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response / in psychology: anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism / anything that induces a person to take action)
- vaikute (s: psykologia / yhteys / anything that may have an impact or influence on a system)
- elvytys (s: taloustiede / yhteys)
- kannuste (s: anything that may have an impact or influence on a system)
- kiihoke (s: anything that may have an impact or influence on a system)
- stimulus (s: anything that may have an impact or influence on a system / stimulus / scientific / in physiology: something external that elicits or influences a physiological or psychological activity or response / ärsyke / scientific / in psychology: anything effectively impinging upon any of the sensory apparatuses of a living organism / ärsyke / scientific / anything that induces a person to take action / ärsyke / scientific)
Viimeisimmät haut: stimulus, signum function, kansanvaltaista, restauranteers, ramiprilat, ilmaantuivat