stiff (suomeksi)
- jäykkä (a: of an object, rigid, hard to bend, inflexible / of a person, formal in behavior, unrelaxed / of muscles, or parts of the body)
- kankea (a: figuratively: of policies and rules and their application and enforcement / of muscles, or parts of the body)
- kova (a: colloquial: harsh, severe)
- raskas (a)
- kohtuuton (a)
- ruumis (s: puhekieltä / slang: cadaver, dead person)
- tyyppi (s)
- kaveri (s)
- raato (s: slang: cadaver, dead person)
- jättää maksamatta (v)
- erityisesti häipyen paikalta (v)
- heppu (s: average person, usually male)
- hemmo (s: average person, usually male)
- heebo (s: average person, usually male)
- jannu (s: average person, usually male)
- uhri (s: person who is deceived)
- tehdä oharit (v: to fail to pay money one owes)