stay (suomeksi)
- oleskelu (s: period of time spent in a place)
- vierailu (s)
- harus (s: guy, rope, or wire supporting a structural element)
- pönkä (s)
- korsetin luu (s)
- jäädä (v: to remain in a particular place / to continue to have a particular quality)
- pysyä (v: to remain in a particular place)
- oleskella tilapäisesti (v)
- viipyä (v: to remain in a particular place / to continue to have a particular quality)
- asua (v: Intia, Etelä-Afrikka)
- jaksaa (v)
- laittaa nojalleen jtk vasten (v)
- luovia (v: merenkulku)
- lykätä (v: to postpone)
- tuki (s: prop, support)
- tukipylväs (s: prop, support)
- naula (s: fastening for a garment; anything to hang another thing on)
- este (s: that which holds or restrains / hindrance; check)
- rajoite (s: that which holds or restrains)
- hidaste (s: that which holds or restrains)
- pysähdys (s: stop, halt; a break or cessation of action, motion, or progress / standstill, complete cessation)
- lykkäys (s: postponement)
- viivytys (s: postponement)
- pysyvyys (s: fixed state; fixedness; stability; permanence)
- ankkuripaikka (s: nautical: station or fixed anchorage for vessels)
- maltti (s: restraint of passion, sobriety)
- vahvike (s: piece of stiff material to stiffen a piece of clothing)
- rajoitus (s: hindrance; check)
- staagi (s: nautical: strong rope supporting a mast)