stand (suomeksi)
- koju (s: small building or booth)
- koroke (s)
- messuosasto (s)
- hylly (s)
- naulakko (s)
- jalusta (s)
- pieni pöytä (s)
- mielipide (s)
- asema (s: designated spot where someone or something may stand or wait / rank; post; station; standing)
- suhtautuminen (s)
- seisahdus (s)
- seisake (s)
- pysäkki (s)
- samanikäisten puiden ryhmä (s: metsätalous / yhteys)
- statiivi (s: metsätalous)
- seisoa (v: to support oneself on the feet in an erect position / to remain motionless / to be placed in an upright or vertical orientation)
- seistä (v: to support oneself on the feet in an erect position / to remain motionless / to be placed in an upright or vertical orientation)
- nousta (v: to rise to one’s feet)
- nousta ylös (v: to rise to one’s feet)
- nousta seisoa (v: to rise to one’s feet)
- olla mahdollisuus (v: to be positioned to gain or lose / olla mahdollisuus / gain)
- olla vaarassa (v: to be positioned to gain or lose / olla mahdollisuusolla vaarassa / lose)
- tuomita (v: to act as an umpire)
- toimia tuomarina (v: to act as an umpire)
- tuomaroida (v: to act as an umpire)
- kestää (v: to undergo; withstand; hold up / to tolerate)
- sietää (v: to undergo; withstand; hold up / to tolerate)
- asettaa pystyyn (v: to place in an upright or standing position)
- pyrkiä (v: to seek election)
- olla ehdokkaana (v: to seek election)
- suunnata (v: to steer in a specified directionor destination)
- olla voimassa (v: to be valid)
- päteä (v: to be valid)
- olla vastaan (v: to oppose, usually as a team, in competition)
- vastustaa (v: to oppose, usually as a team, in competition)
- seisominen (s: act of standing)
- kanta (s: resolute, unwavering position)
- kannanotto (s: resolute, unwavering position)
- jakso (s: period of performance in a given location or venue)
- tuki (s: device to hold something upright or aloft)
- teline (s: device to hold something upright or aloft)
- lava (s: device to hold something upright or aloft)
- aitio (s: platform on which a witness testifies in court)
- todistajanaitio (s: platform on which a witness testifies in court)
- metsikkö (s: particular grove or other group of trees / contiguous group of trees that may be considered a distinguishable unit)
- seisonta (s: standstill, motionless state / seisonta / of dog)
- koppi (s: small building or booth)
- tiski (s: small building or booth)
- paikka (s: situation of a shop, store, hotel, etc.)
- ihmetys (s: state of perplexity or embarrassment)
- see also: kummissaan (s: state of perplexity or embarrassment)
- ymmällään (s: state of perplexity or embarrassment)
- siemenpuu (s: young tree, reserved when other trees are cut)